Notre Dame Catholic Church and the following liturgical ministries invite you to explore the many ways to get involved in our parish liturgies. For further information contact the person listed for a particular ministry.
To insure the safety and well being of all parishioners and participants in our ministries and programs, Notre Dame Catholic Church complies with the following guidelines by the Archdiocese of San Antonio. The volunteers who work with the children, elderly and disabled will be required to attend a course on creating and maintaining a Safe Environment, as well as complete and pass a criminal background check.
ALTAR CARE assures that we have a clean, polished, tidy place to assemble for our liturgies.
ALTAR SERVERS provide young people (10 yrs or older) an opportunity to represent the people of God at the altar during our liturgies.
Marta Mata - (830) 257-5961
BUS TRANSPORTATION provides transportation to those parishioners who are in need of a way to get to Mass.
Scott Chapman - (830) 739-8568
ENVIRONMENT & ART COMMITEE takes care of everything from designing and sewing vestments and artwork to the care of flowers and plants, providing a beautiful worship space for our celebrations.
Rosemary Suess - (830) 895-2109
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION is adoration of Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist; "Stay and keep watch with me."
Roxana Lambdin - (714) 713-7932
Carmelo Servin - (830) 377-2530
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION assist in the serving of the Spiritual Meal. Jesus tells us "No one who comes to me shall ever be hungry; no one who believes in me shall thirst again."
Rose Petmecky - (830) 329.1000
Dora Bill (Spanish) - (830) 896-4267
HOLY GROUND-KEEPERS is a silent ministry that attends to the inside of the worship space after each Mass, making sure that it is left beautiful and holy for those who come into worship.
Gail Stauder - (830) 257-5961
HOLY SEW-N-SEWS provide sewn/embroidered/decorated articles for use at liturgies and other parish needs.
Peggy McKay - (830) 257-2314
HOSPITALITY is compromised of four sub-committees: