The Archdiocese of San Antonio requires all clergy, staff, candidates for ordination, and adult volunteers who minister to children/youth to complete Adult Safe Environment Training. Training is required to be renewed every three years. The Archdiocese of San Antonio is currently using Protecting God's Children developed by Virtus to educate adults on abuse prevention. Virtus provides traditional on-site training, on-line training, and on-line renewal training.
To register for a training or to conduct the on-line training, click on the link below.
VIRTUS - Protecting God's Children
***Once VIRTUS Training is complete, please email your certificate to
Susie Dominguez at [email protected] for our parish records.***
All volunteers must also complete a Criminal Background Check.
Please click on the link below to print the form and bring to the Youth & Family Ministry Office. We also have copies available in the office, if you wish not to print on your own.
Criminal Background Check Form (English)
Criminal Background Check Form (Spanish)
For questions or concerns, please contact our Safe Environment Coordinator, Gail Stauder.